Aakku Cina 1-1 / 4-7 UNC jalu Pikeun 1/2 BSP jalu Exchange Inten Core bor bit adaptor Produsén jeung Supplier |Sinodiam
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1-1 / 4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter

1-1 / 4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter

Katerangan pondok:

Tempat Asal: CN
Ngaran Brand: SinoDiam
Sertifikasi: IS09001
Jumlah modél: VA/UNCM 2 BSP

Syarat Pembayaran & Pengiriman:
Jumlah Pesanan Minimum: $100
harga: Negosiasi
Rincian bungkusan: Kotak karton
Waktos pangiriman: 10-15 poé
Kamampuhan suplai: 20000pcs per Bulan

Rincian produk

Tag produk

1-1 / 4-7 UNC Jalu Pikeun 1/2 BSP Jalu ExchangeInten Core Bor BitAdaptor


Tipe: Inti bor bits adaptor Aplikasi: 1-1 / 4-7 UNC Jalu Pikeun 1/2 BSP Jalu
Bahan awak: Baja Karbon Prosés: Digiling
warna: Hideung / ngaropéa Paket: Kotak karton
Cahaya luhur:

BSPBor Inten IntiAdaptor Bit


UNCBor Inten IntiAdaptor Bit


BSP Sds Max Core bor adaptor

1-1 / 4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Adapter Pikeun Inten Core Drill Bit


1. Adaptor pikeun Inten Core bor Bit Pedaran


adaptor nu bisa mantuan Anjeun inti bor bit bisa dipaké dina rupa-rupa rigs inti industri, ngarobah sambungan tina1-1 / 4 UNC Jalu Pikeun 1/2 BSP jaluhub.


2. Specificaiton of VA / UNCM 2 BSP Core bits Series


1-1/4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter 0

3. Fetures of adaptor pikeun Inten Core bor Bit


  • Tipe thread 1-1 / 4-7 UNC jalu ka 1/2 BSP jalu.
  • Dijieunna tina baja karbon hardened jeung baja alloy pikeun durability gede;
  • tipe thread séjén ogé bisa dijieun
  • Ngaleungitkeun wobble antara arbor sareng gergaji liang.
  • Utamana dipaké pikeun sambungan antara tipena béda bit inti inten jeung drills inti (rigs inti).


4. Adapters séjén

1-1/4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter 11-1/4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter 2

1-1/4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter 31-1/4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter 4

1-1/4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter 51-1/4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter 6

1-1/4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter 71-1/4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter 8

1-1/4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter 91-1/4-7 UNC Male To 1/2 BSP Male Exchange Diamond Core Drill Bit Adapter 10

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